introduce, tugas bahasa inggris 16 september dari mis dini

Assalamualaikum wr, wb.
Hello everybody, allow me to introduce my self, my name is Astri Wulandari. My first name is astri and my last name is wulandari. But, you can call me Astri or As or tri not for wulandari. I got this name from my father , the meaning of this name is a strong for woman.
I was bron in batu ampar , 03 may 1998. And sice in senior high school, i like to follow some activities, such us scourt, osis and so'on. In this campus i plan to follow some activities and organization too. One my hobby is gathering with the other people like follow on organization and another my hobby is reading a book. I like read, reading is very interesting activity, i like to read a comic or social book, every weekend i always go to a book store to buy some books and beside read book, i like drawing.
My father is farmer , you can call him mr mastur and my mother is house wife mother , you can call her mrs mastuni. Although my mother is a house wife mother she often makes some cakes and get her own on figures. So my mom can get her own money from handmade cakes i have one older sister she name is vera wati, she is twenty five years old. My sister is a house wife mother, and have a husband he name is bambang waluyo his a montir. And they have a son he name is satrio hidayah pratama he is five years old. And i have younger sister and a younger son. They are name is freti puspitasari and lilis karlina, she is fifteen years old and lilis karlina is nine years old. My family have a king he is a younger son, he is named dimas ferdinand, he is three years old and He is cute.
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