Tugas video ke 2 deadline november

1 . sincere
We must be sincere to allah swt only allah can see us night prayer while others sleep, we need to show to allah that me love him sincerely with our behavior and words.

2.know the benefits of everning prayers, if you do not already know.

3.sleeping pacing right
Maybe logically the heart is on the left side of the chest, and with stay on tip. With this some one will. Not sleep deeply just a light sleep, if sleep pacing left then will sleep very well.

4.perform ablution before going to bed
Me may usually be ancouraged to wash you feet before  going to sleep, but if we want to wake up to pray tahajjud.

5.sleep early and read the prayer.
When we are going to sleep then we need to inted to wake up night prayer, by reading the prayer
Read subahanallah 33x
Read allahuakbar 33x
Read alhamdulilah 34x
Read surah al - iklhas
Read surah  al falaq
Read al kafirun
Read ayat kursi to protect ourselves from syaitan so that we can wake up early based on the following hadist
When you come to bed at night read ayat kursi undoubtedly allah  will always keep you and demons will not approach you until the morning
(HR  Al bukhari)
Reading prayer before going to sleep
Bismika allahumma ahya wa amut

6. Avoid eating too much and drinking before bedtime, should not eat about two hours before bed.

7. Avoid the makruh before bed.
The first makruh bis to sleep with the roof open, this based on hadist
Whoever sleeps on the roof up a house that does  not have a  then loses assurance from him
(Hr bukhari)
