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Masjid Jami Location :berada di kedalaman parit bugis kec. Pontianak timur tepatnya di depan istana kesultanan kadariah. English: Mouque jami is the largest mouque in the city of pontianak, mousque jami located in the east of the east of the greater kapuas river. mouque jami can be reached by canoe, motor vehicle and car. the building stood on the date of 23 october 1771. and estabished by sultan syarif abdurrahman, the mousque can accommodate 1500 worshippers during prayer. inside the mousque there are six pillars of wood belian and the ceiling of the mosque square, pillars round which there is a sermon like the deck of the ship. as well as the mouque jami also as a history of the birth city of pontianak, now mouque jami named after his name as the mousque of sultan abdurrahman. Indonesia : masjid jami adalah masjid terbesar di kota pontianak, masjid jami terletak di sebelah timur sungai kapuas besar. Masjid jami...